Monday, February 25, 2013

iUniverse Star Author David Perlstein Says His Piece About Self-Publishing

Source: iUniverse Author Focus

iUniverse author David Perlstein was recently a guest blogger at the iUniverse Blog. The Kirkus Reviews-acclaimed author welcomed iUniverse’s invitation with great enthusiasm and gave his two cents about being an independently published author.

Perlstein’s iUniverse book Slick! has made him one of Kirkus Reviews’ top 25 Indie Authors of 2012. With this recognition, Perlstein also deserves to be among iUniverse Star Authors.

With 80 years’ experience in the publishing industry, Kirkus Reviews is considered a reputable book review organization. The company caters to unpublished and self-published authors.

David’s iUniverse Star shines even more brightly with his thoughts on self-publishing. He basks in the creative and marketing freedom that independent publishing provides writers. Further, he asserts that being an indie doesn’t translate to poor writing.

“The pressure to sell experienced by traditional publishing can distort a writer’s integrity. I don’t suggest that every publisher in New York always seeks to amp up titillation to move books. But agents and editors face bottom-line pressures, as do working writers. If a vapid story with vapid characters written in vapid prose has an audience, its author will find a home. Conversely, if agents and editors fear that a well-written book won’t find an audience, they’re not likely to offer a contract.

What’s a writer to do? Distribution via print-on-demand or downloading offers welcome opportunities to maintain control. But it also demands responsibility. An independently published book is just as real as one published traditionally. The process does not excuse a writer from producing anything other than his or her best.”

David considers the satisfaction derived from writing more important than the acclaim, which he says most people are dying to have in pursuit of the “American Dream.” Some writers are fortunate to savor the success, while most don’t. They write nevertheless, and “toil on anonymity,” he adds.

Perhaps any reader to come across his iUniverse guest blog entry would agree that the most moving of his insights would be his book-children analogy.

As for me, my books are like my children. I have three—adult children, that is. As a parent I ask, how do I want them to live? What values should my children demonstrate?

It all comes down to integrity. I want my kids to be thoughtful, honest and fair. And I want them to do what’s right not because it’s profitable or trendy but because that’s what they should do.

I hold my writing to the same standard. Fame and fortune may escape me, but I can—and must—write with integrity. Independent publishing helps support that.”

His alma mater Alfred University in New York, US, also featured him on its news website. Read the full article here.

We at iUniverse salute David Perlstein for his recognition and dedication to the craft.

Read more of David’s thoughts about self-publishing and future works at his iUniverse entry Part 1 and Part 2. For practical tips on writing, editing, and book marketing, visit the iUniverse Writer’s Tips.


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