Wednesday, May 15, 2013

iUniverse gets you to your First Draft – Part 2

Our first article, iUniverse gets you to your First Draft – Part 1 , highlighted two specific areas as you start your first draft, the title where we gave you some ideas on the best options, and penning your book which covered areas of organization. In this second editorial we take you to the next steps in the journey with how to layout out your manuscript, writing or using a keyboard and living with your book. Writing is a big task and knowing what’s involved will make the journey more fun.

Laying out your manuscript

Having plenty of space around what you are writing will be very helpful when it comes to making your proof more attractive to work with and giving enough space for any edits you place on a proof. Set your page margins so your copy block is about 10.5cm (4.2 inches) wide and 18cm (7 inches) tall. This should, depending on your paper size, center your copy box in the sheet of paper.

iUniverse Using a pen or keyboard for writing
The old school still has a place in this world of high technology.

Writing or using a keyboard

No matter which method you are using; a pen, pencil or keyboard and in some cases voice-recognition software which is now relatively inexpensive; the procedure you implement for writing should be a constant. Once your notes and research material are divided into chapter piles you can spread them out over an area, in an order which you understand and start writing from what is in front of you. Remember what you are penning is your first draft, it’s not Shakespeare. It’s just your thoughts, ideas and if appropriate a plot, being put into a semblance of order. Whatever you do, get it down somewhere on paper or a hard disk and make a copy!

Living with your book

If you go to a college or university campus you will see young people roaming around with books crammed into backpacks and messenger bags. These vital references are kept easily to hand for the moments of calm when they can just look through a certain section they are studying at the time or for prep before an exam. As a writer this is the same environment you need to emulate.

iUniverse Editing your novel wherever you can
Wherever and whenever is a good time for editing your first draft.

Print out your first draft and place each “chapter” in an individual section within a binder folder. Wherever you are, you should have the folder with you. As a writer and I am sure a working person, you will have limited time to sit down for hours on end editing the first proof. So when you have a few precious moments sitting at the dentist or traveling on the train, take the folder out and work on your draft. Placing your edits, notes and changes in the margins in short spurts will make the editing process so much easier. After each period of time, enter the changes into your computer (if using one) and again print the updated pages.

In conclusion

We have tried to outline the inner workings of getting started with your writing career. By all means it’s not comprehensive but covers the things you really need to take into consideration. If you plan and plan well the process will be a lot smoother and with less stress later. Remember you are not the first and will not be the last to wonder why you jumped into the writing pool of creativity. Just follow these guidelines and you won’t go far wrong.

iUniverse hopes you enjoyed the second and final article in our series, iUniverse gets you to your First Draft. iUniverse publishing , its team and services are here to help.

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