Tuesday, June 4, 2013

iUniverse Tips on How To Turn your Book into a Movie – Part 1

Things to think about when learning how to edit your book into a screenplay

Do you dream of seeing your book become a movie? If so, you will need to start with an interesting story with a strong, quick-moving plot. You’ll also have to learn how to format your film script properly. Read these iUniverse tips to get your story in the big screen.

Books into Movie
Film script writing is as much an art as writing literature and should be respected as such. The two require two entirely different skill sets. The artistic procedures are as different as those used by a chef and a short order cook.

How to Write a Book Vs. a Screenplay

Writing a book is often a lone endeavor, while writing a screenplay and turning it into a movie is a process requiring numerous people. All you have to do is to look at the credits at the end of a movie, and all the people it took to produce the film, for this to be perfectly clear.

When writing a screenplay of your book, it is very important to know how to format it correctly. An improperly formatted screenplay tells the script reader that the writer is probably lazy and lacks formal movie script writing education.

For more Tips on How To Turn your Book into a Movie click here


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